Thomas Chattock was born on 22nd May 1781, the third of six children born to Thomas Chattock and Sarah Noble. The Chattocks were a wealthy land owning family and farmers in Castle Bromwich and Hodge Hill.

Thomas never married, but managed the Chattock land around Haye Hill House in Hodge Hill.
He died suddenly between 7 and 8 o’clock on the morning of 10th November 1858.
He’d been unwell for some time, but not so much as to prevent him riding about the grounds and the previous day he’d been out directing and supervising his workers.

On the Wednesday morning he’d arisen as usual and his servants made preparations for breakfast. Thomas sat with some bread on a fork toasting it at the fire. When the bread fell from the fork, he’d been about to retrieve it, but fell from the chair instead. When checked, it was found that he was dead.
It is said that he was known for his kind manner and was liked by all who came into contact with him, although, never having married, he had a somewhat rough and old fashioned exterior.
He could lay claim to a long standing ancestry, his family having been in the area since William the Conqueror, the estate of Hay House having believed to have been given to his family by that monarch.

Thomas was buried in Castle Bromwich Graveyard on 16th November 1858.